This Time Next Year TAG


Hello everyone! Today I’m doing new tag, because I love tags. I think they are super fun and interesting to read. Thanks to the lovely Angela from lifeofangela blog for nominating me for this very interesting tag. Let’s start with this post!


1. Thank the person who tagged you
2. Set yourself goals for the next year
3. Write how you’re going to achieve these goals
4. Tag at least 5 of your blogger friends to do this tag
5. Then, in 365 days write a post reflecting on your goals and what you have achieved

Goals for next year

1. Get fit
It seems really weird that I’m writing this, because a lot of people would say I’m fit. But I’m not the happiest with my body, I feel like I have to do much more work on it and make it a lot tighter and build some muscle. Don’t get me wrong I love my body, overall shape of it and my weight, but I have to tighten my skin and remove some excess fat on my tummy, bum and thighs. I started working out again couple of months ago and I’m really enjoying it actually. I never thought that working out can be fun, but I find my routine that I absolutely love.

2. Finish my University
It won’t probably be finished by this time next year, because it usually ends up in September but hopefully I’ll be on the good track with it. I have to admit that I’m not the biggest fan of my University, I think I didn’t expect it to be this hard. But, hard work gets us to the best things so hopefully I’ll get there.

3. Still work on my blog and enjoy it
I hope I’ll always be on track with blogging. I have to say that sometimes I get easily bored with stuff, so I hope this won’t happen with my blog. I absolutely love this blog and all community I have here, so I hope I’ll keep doing this for ages to come.

4. Go on really nice holiday with my friends
This has been on my wish list for ages literally, but something always comes up and we don’t go. It’s usually money issue, because as a student I don’t really have much spare money and also I’m really bad at saving up. That should be one more of goals for me, because I’m terrible with saving my money which is really bad. Hopefully holiday with friends wil happen this summer, fingers crossed.

5. Just be happy with myself
I’m one of those people that is complete „control freak“. That means it is really hard for me to be happy with stuff that I’m doing and how I’m doing them. I always think I can do better, I can give more and etc. It can be really exhausting, so hopefully I’ll learn to appreciate all the work that I’m doing and be happy with my life completely.

My nominees


Previous Tags

Ride or Die TAG
The Blue Sky TAG
25 Questions – Get to know me!
I love Winter TAG
Birthday TAG
20 Questions TAG
The Autumn TAG
This or That TAG

So, those are 5 of my biggest goals for next year. I really hope I’ll do all of them, here is my „control freak“ side kicking again haha. I hope this tag was interesting to read for you all. Let me know do you have any goals for next year? Do you like to set yourself goals or you just do things the way you think it is the best? I hope I’ll remember to post an updated post like this next year, at the same date.We’ll see about that. Thank you all so much for reading!

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