
DreamMatcha Matcha Tea review/recenzija


Hello everyone! Today I’m going to review tea. Yeap you read it right, I wanted to do something different on blog than regular beauty content. I hope you’ll like it. If you read my blog often then you know that I love tea, green tea is one of my favorites, so when I got opportunity to try matcha green tea I definitely took it.

Pozdrav svima! Danas recenziram čaj, da dobro ste pročitali. Željela sam uraditi nešto drugačije na blogu, napraviti neku promjenu u odnosu na beauty sadržaj koji imam uglavnom. Nadam se da će vam se svidjeti, ja volim zeleni čaj tako da kada sam dobila priliku da probam ovaj odmah sam pristala!

I love how simple is this packing. It looks really nice in my opinion, I really like simplicity and over all look of it. This tea is suitable for vegetarians and vegans which is amazing. You are not supposed to drink more than three cups a day, I usually drink this one with breakfast, so I drink it once a day. Recommended serving size is 1.5 g per cup. You get 50 g in this pack. This is basically green powder, I never tried tea in this form so it was first time for me.

Sviđa mi se kako je pakiranje jednostavno, mislim da izgleda vrlo lijepo. Ovaj čaj je prikladan za vegetarijance i vegane, što je izuzetno dobro. Možete popiti maksimalno tri šolje na dan. Ja inače pijem jednu i to uz doručak. U ovom pakiranju dobijete 50 g, a preporučena doza je 1.5 g po šolji. Ovo je čaj u vidu pudera, tačnije zeleni puder, koji ja nikada ranije nisam probala.


Now I love green tea. I feel like it makes me healthy just by drinking it. It is amazing for health and detox. I don’t really eat clean all the time, I do consume a lot of chocolate, so definitely not the best diet, but whenever I drink green tea I feel like it detox my body completely. What I think about taste? It’s nice, I like it, I just don’t like first sip. It tastes so weird with first sip, I don’t enjoy it at all. But after that first sip I really like the taste. It tastes like regular green tea you know! Actually you don’t need a lot of powder for a cup, which basically means this pack will last a long time.

Ja volim zeleni čaj. Mislim da je izuzetno dobar za zdravlje, čini me da se osjećam zdravijom samim tim što ga pijem. Ja ne jedem baš najzdravije, šta da vam kažem volim čokoladu, tako da redovno pijenje zelenog čaja mi omogućava redovni detox organizma. Kakav je okus? Sigurno znate, jer ste morali barem jednom probati zeleni čaj. Kada ga prvi put probam, meni je uskus stvarno ružan, ali već nakon drugog gutljaja sve je uredu i sviđa mi se ukus. Ne znam zašto je tako, ali uvijek se desi. Ne treba vam dosta praha za šolju čaja, što znači da će ovo pakiranje trajati dosta dugo!


I feel like this helps my stomach to process breakfast so much better, it is really light and my body reacts amazingly to it. I would totally suggest you guys to try matcha green tea, it is so amazing. There is so many benefits to it, but I’m sure you already know about it. Also green tea contains caffeine, so I usually have it in morning instead of coffee, which is so much better for health in my opinion.

Mislim da ovaj čaj pomaže u varenju hrane također, jer kada god ga pijem uz doručak imam osjećaj da se bolje osjećam, ne dobijem onaj teški osjećaj u stomaku. Definitivno vam preporučujem da probate ovaj čaj, meni je apsolutno savršen uz doručak. Zeleni čaj ima mnogo pozitivnih efekata, ali sigurna sam da već znate za to. Također sadrži kafein u sebi, tako da je idealan umjesto jutarnje kafe, definitivno mnogo zdravija opcija!

You can check out website where you can purchase tea here. It’s brand from UK, they ship internationally and delivery is really quick.

Check Matcha green tea HERE. There is really informative description of product on website, so I would suggest you to check it out!




That’s everything from me today. I hope you enjoyed this slightly different review. Let me know what do you think about it? Let me know did you try matcha green tea before? Are you interested in trying it out? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

To je sve od mene za danas! Nadam se da vam se svidjela ova malo drugačija recenzija! Recite mi šta mislite u komentarima! Da li ste ikada probali „matcha“ zeleni čaj? Da li ste zainteresovani da ga probate? Hvala vam na čitanju! Želim vam lijep dan! xx

44 thoughts on “DreamMatcha Matcha Tea review/recenzija

  1. Ooh I have never tried this type of green tea before (powdered) but just the colour is enough to make me want to give it a go:) Loved reading this review, it would be so cool if you could write about more food/drink products in the future!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I definitely recommend this one, I think that this pack will last a long time because you don’t need a lot of powder for cup of tea. I hope you’ll like it as much as I do. Thank you lovely. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m trying to give different content as I have some male readers and I don’t think they want to see makeup all the time haha. I hope you’ll try this tea it is so amazing for health. When I first started to drink green tea I didn’t like it, but I got used to it and now I love it. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. For me it was first time also, but I love it. You can also use it for cooking which is amazing, I found so many interesting recipes, maybe I’ll make blog post about those. I think I’ll definitely do more reviews about food, because I really enjoyed this one. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved this review! It’s so exciting that you’re branching out and trying different things on your blog; while I love your beauty posts, I also enjoy the other posts you do too! I LOVE green tea, so I will definitely be checking this out xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh thank you so much. I’m really trying to make interesting content, sometimes beauty is not something everyone enjoys to read. So I’m trying to do different content, a bit of beauty, fashion and lifestyle in mix. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Nice review and lovely pics 👍🏼 I like tea! Green tea, while I know how healthy and beneficial it can be, is not my favorite. I don’t drink it a lot, because the taste is sometimes just not good for me. I do like powder mixes and green drink/superfood mixes that are pure and organic, kinda like the one you show here, and are sometimes better than regular green tea. Most people might say those taste worse that regular green tea, but I think the opposite 🍵

    -Helene |

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This one has really mild taste, but obviously it’s not like fruit tea which tastes amazing. I kinda like the taste when it is odd, I just feel like it is healthier that way haha. This one can be used for cookies, cake, smoothies. I found so many recipes that I kinda want to do some baking with this one. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Omg this is the fanciest tea review ever! The pictures were nice and something about the way you wrorte this post was very calming and fancy! I’ve always wanted to try matcha tea so I enjoyed reading this post!

    Oh and it’s cool to change up your content from time to time, I definitely will read other posts you write 💞❤💞❤💞❤

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you so much dear for these kind words. If you are thinking to try this tea I would say go for it, because there is so many benefits and also you can use it for cooking and baking. I’m trying to switch it up from time to time, I never thought that I would enjoy writing review on tea, but I really did. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Matcha baking has always been a goal of mine, just haven’t done it yet! Can’t wait to see what you come up with 💕🍵

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Haven’t tried this green tea. I like to have some in the house to offer as people enjoy it later in the evening. Grew up with tea being the go to to settle anything! Stressed stop and have a cup of tea, tired – tea, company tea that was out house.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Can’t agree more, tea can fix everything. I love to have it before sleep, especially camomile to calm me down and also this one in morning to help me detox my body. xx


  14. As a massive tea lover but never having tried Matcha, thank you for this post! I actually got some as gift recently but have tried it yet, I’ve never been sure. I will be trying it soon now!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I too absolutely adore tea. I keep hearing about Matcha tea and I’ve wanted to try it. So this review is very helpful. I like anything that helps detox and healthy living. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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