
Revelique makeup gel base – review/recenzija


I’m not a person that uses primer on daily basis. I know it makes quite a difference on the way that makeup looks on skin, but I feel like on day to day basis you just need to have a nourished skin and makeup would look amazing. I usually use a moisturizing cream to prep my skin for makeup. But, I have been really into trying new products, so I decided to buy a good gel base primer which will help mattify my skin and fill in the pores. So, let me tell you my opinion on this Revelique primer.

Inače ne koristim prajmer svaki dan. Mislim da često zaboravim na taj korak u makeup rutini, jer inače samo dobro hidriram kožu sa kremom. Da bi vam koža dobro izgledala sa makeup-om treba da bude fino nahranjena i hidrirana, jer će se sva suhoća pokazati kada stavite podlogu. Posljednjih nekoliko sedmica sam probavala puno novih proizvoda, pa očekujte puno interesantnih recenzija. Ovo je gel prajmer koji koristite da bi popunili pore na koži i učinili kožu glatkom i spremnom za makeup.

Packing is really simple, black tube that is actually really soft. It’s mat and really nice. I love when brands use black on packing, I feel like product immediately looks a lot more expensive. This primer is free from fragrance, oil, mineral oil and preservatives. That’s really good for a drugstore primer. You get 27 ml in this tube, which is standard primer volume.

Pakiranje je vrlo jednostavno, volim kada brendovi koriste crnu boju na pakiranju, mislim da izgleda profesionalno. Ovo je gel prajmer koji daje mat završetak na koži, čini kožu glatkom i popunjava pore. Ako imate masnu kožu onda su ovakvi prajmeri najbolji za korištenje, jer pomažu koži da duže vrijeme bude bez ulja. U ovom prajmeru dobijete 27 ml proizvoda.


So, as I said this is gel base primer. It is really light on the skin. Basically it’s like you don’t wear anything. When I tried this one on my hand in drugstore I was amazed how my skin felt when I applied it. It was super smooth, soft and it looked perfect. I feel in love with texture that it gave to my skin. I couldn’t stop touching my hand, it was super smooth. When I tried this on my face, it did the same thing. It basically creates a perfect smooth base for makeup. Makeup looks a lot better on skin, when I use this.

Kao što sam već rekla ovo je gel prajmer koji daje mat završetak na koži. Daje vrlo glatku kožu i stvarno je dobra baza za makeup. Nije težak na koži, jer vam je potrebno vrlo malo proizvoda da dobijete glatku kožu. Ja ovaj prajmer inače koristim samo na T zoni i bradi, jer je to masni dio mog lica. Ako imate problema sa porama ovaj prajmer će pomoći da popunite pore i da da efekat „perfektne“ kože. Prvi put sam probala ovaj prajmer u drogeriji prije nego sam ga kupila i stvarno mi se svidio efekat na koži ruke, pa sam mislila da će dati još bolji efekat na licu. Gel prajmeri su najbolji kada želite perfektnu kožu za makeup.

To be honest, I didn’t think it would fill in my pores, but it did. This is the first primer that I can say works as a gel mattifiying primer. My makeup does look amazing when I have this under, it makes it wear longer and shine free. Keep in mind that I have really oily T zone, this really helped with keeping oils under control. I needed to powder through day, but a lot less when I’m not wearing this one.

Nisam mislila da će ovaj prajmer raditi tako dobro kao mat baza za makeup. Ovo je jedini prajmer koji mi drži ulja pod kontrolom, imam vrlo masnu T zonu, a ovaj prajmer spriječava ulja da probiju na površinu kože. Ovo je jedini prajmer koji mi je dao mat bazu za makeup. Naravno i dalje moram stavljati puder na T zonu tokom dana, ali puno manje nego kada nemam ovaj proizvod kao prajmer.


I really need to start wearing this one daily, because it would be amazing to don’t powder like a crazy person. I don’t know why I skip this step in my day to day makeup, I really need to put in effort to do it. I usually forgot about primer and just use a setting spray at the end of makeup routine. Because I feel like it’s easier.

Stavrno se moram navići da koristim ovaj prajmer na koži svaki dan, jer pošto je ljeto sada koža mi je još masnija nego inače. Kada bih koristila ovaj prajmer, ne bih morala stavljati puder na kožu svakih 3 sata inače. Ne znam zašto je prajmer nešto što većina žena zaboravlja u makeup rutini.

Finally, I really like this product. I think it is great affordable primer from drugstore. I didn’t feel like it dried out my skin, which is always a plus. Yeah, I really like it and I would recommend it for people with oily skin or for someone who is trying to hide pores.

Konačno, ovo je vrlo dobar prajmer. Meni se baš sviđa, mislim da je izuzetno kvalitetan proizvod posebno za cijenu. Mislim da sam ga platila oko 10 KM, što je slično cijeni Catrice proizvoda. Ako imate masnu kožu onda su gel prajmeri najbolji izbor za vas, jer će držati ulja pod kontrolom neko vrijeme. Ako imate nešto veće pore na koži, onda je ovo izuzetno dobar prajmer da ih potpuni i da vam da perfektnu glatku kožu.


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post and that it was helpful. Let me know did you try this product before or any other primer that is similar to this one I would love to know. Have a nice day! xx

Hvala vam na čitanju. Nadam se da vam je ova recenzija pomogla u izboru novog prajmera. Recite mi da li ste možda probali ovaj prajmer? Da li inače koristite gel prajmere? Koji vam je omiljeni prajmer za makeup? Želim vam lijep dan! xx

22 thoughts on “Revelique makeup gel base – review/recenzija

  1. Primers really make your makrup look amazing. But I rarely use it. May be on special ocassions when I need my makeup to be flawless and long staying. I use Inglot primer, which is also gel based and transparent. 🙂🙂💕💕

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I’ve never worn primer, but I really want to start! This sounds like a great product!! I hate when makeup in general feels heavy on the skin, and it’s nice to know that it’s really light. Thanks for sharing this, hon! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I actually decided to use primer every time I use makeup and I’ve been doing it for a week already and I love it. It definitely makes makeup look a lot better. I never tried anything from Inglot before, kinda want to try maybe foundation from them. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I usually forget to use primer. They are nice when my skin have some texture. But, it is interesting that I never think they make my makeup last longer. It is nice that you find one that works on you. I agree that using primer is better than keep adding powder.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I kinda got really interested in primers and the way they make makeup look. I will be testing many new ones because I want to make a habbit of using one every time I do my makeup, because I really think that they make difference. I think that these gel primers make so much difference, because they are smoothing. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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