
Essence PRIME+ STUDIO MATTIFYING + pore minimizing primer review/recenzija


Primers are still trending in makeup world. Most people still don’t use them in their makeup routine, but for me primer is essential. I like adding that as a step in my makeup routine because it definitely makes difference to the way my skin looks. Also a lot of primers help with oiliness in my T zone so this as a step in definitely a must.

Prajmeri su i dalje moderni u makeup svijetu. Većina žena ne koristi prajmer u svojoj rutini šminkanja, ali za mene prajmeri su vrlo važan dio makeup rutine, jer prave ogromnu razliku u izgledu moje kože i konačnom makeup izgledu. Ja i dalje mislim da prajmeri prave razliku u izgledu šminke, tako da ih ja preporučujem svima. Većina prajmera pomaže u smanjivanju masnoće na mojoj T zoni, tako da je za mene prajmer vrlo važan dio svakodnevnog makeup-a.


Packing is really nice and easy to use. Primer is grey actually which is so cool to use. It has really light texture and it blends into skin really easy. Primer is really refreshing when you apply it on skin and it smells amazing. Texture is very interesting, I never had primer like this before, it feels like a mousse. It is formulated with black clay and it is supposed to be mattifying and have pore minimizing effect. You get 30 ml of product.

Pakiranje je vrlo lijepo i lagano za korištenje. Prajmer je siv, što je prvi sivi prajmer koji sam ikada koristila. Ima vrlo laganu teksturu i blenda se u kožu vrlo lagano. Prajmer daje osvježavajući osjećaj kada ga nanesete na kožu. Tekstura je vrlo zanimljiva, nikada prije nisam imala prajmer koji ima formulaciju sličnu musu. Prajmer ima miris i prema mom mišljenju miris je vrlo lijep. Prajemer je formulisan sa crnom glinom i treba da daje prirodni mat završetak na koži i blago popunjava pore. Dobijete 30 ml proizvoda.


Essence claims that this primer has airy light texture with natural black clay. I can definitely agree that it is really light and refreshing on skin. It is supposed to have mattifying effect without weighing down the skin. As I already said it is really light on skin, you don’t feel it at all. It does give really nice mat effect on skin and it gives blurry effect. Essence claims that it minimizes pores optically and gives even skin. I also agree with that, it gives beautiful effect on skin. Even though this primer is grey it doesn’t leave grey cast on skin, it looks transparent on skin. This primer leaves sticky feeling on skin which helps foundation to stick better to the skin. Whenever I wear this primer my foundation lasts all day and my T zone is not oily as it is when I don’t have this primer on.

Essence tvrdi da ovaj prajmer ima vrlo laganu i prozračnu teksturu i formulisan je sa crnom glinom. Ja se definitivno slažem sa ovom tvrdnjom, prajmer je vrlo lagan na koži. Treba da ima efekat matiranja na licu bez toga da daje efekat maske. Kao što sam već rekla prajmer je vrlo lagan na koži i ne osjetite ga uopšte. Efekat koji prajmer daje je vrlo lijep prirodni mat efekat i blago popunjava pore. Također se slažem sa tom tvrdnjom, efekat ovog prajmera je divan na koži. Iako ovaj prajmer ima sivu boju, na licu se lijepo blenda i ne daje sivkast odsjaj na licu. Prajmer daje blagu ljepljivi osjećaj na koži, što znači da se podloga lijepo zalijepi za njega. Kada god nosim ovaj prajmer podloga mi traje čitav dan na licu i divno izgleda, bez da se masti kao što je inače slučaj.



I would definitely recommend this primer to anyone that has normal or combination skin, I think it works so well. It is really great quality even though it is not expensive at all. This is probably one of the best primers that I tried, I love how it makes my skin look and feel. That’s all from me today. I hope you enjoyed this review. Let me know did you try this primer? What is your go to primer? Do you use primer in your daily makeup routine? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

Ja bih definitivno preporučila ovaj prajmer svima koji imaju normalnu ili kombinovanu kožu sa masnim dijelovima. Ovaj prajmer je vrlo kvalitetan, iako nije nikako skup. Ovo je vjerovatno jedan od najboljih prajmera koje sam probala, sviđa mi se kako izgleda na koži i kako čini da makeup izgleda na licu. To je sve od mene za danas. Nadam se da vam se svidjela ova recenzija. Recite mi da li ste probali ovaj prajmer? Da li inače koristite prajmer u rutini šminkanja? Koji vam je omiljeni prajmer koji ste ikada probali? Hvala vam na čitanju. Želim vam lijep dan! xx

20 thoughts on “Essence PRIME+ STUDIO MATTIFYING + pore minimizing primer review/recenzija

  1. Amazing review as usual and I cannot do my makeup with primer honestly, it’s an essential to me and I usually go for primers that fill the pores. I am currently using the Smashbox one but I really want to buy myself a cheaper version.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Primer became such an essential for me also. I used to only use moisturizer, but now every time I wear makeup I use primer also, because it makes so much difference. It’s always great to cheaper version, I hope you’ll find it soon. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh I have that primer, I reviewed it during summer I think. It’s great primer for warmer months I think. But this one totally blew me away, it’s so nice. It’s my current go to primer, I like it very much. Thank you dear, Essence and Catrice are my favorite makeup brands, I love how affordable they are. xx


  4. Ahh great post!! I was so thrown off by the fact it says it includes clay! But it sounds really interesting, if I see it I’ll pick it up and give it a try! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I really like it. If you have oily or combination skin it is a great option. If you have dry skin then better option is the primer that comes in orange tube as that one is illuminating and more hydrating. xx


  6. I’m loving this primer this winter time, been using it for two months daily. I definitely feel like this primer is more on moisturizing side, maybe try gelly primers that work better for super oily skin. Try that Catrice primer and it’s definitely not my favorite either, it’s very strange in texture. xx

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