First impressions · Haul

New Afrodita Cosmetics goodies – HAUL


I’m still pretty much obsessed with Afrodita Cosmetics. When I fell in love with brand I just want to support them more and buy all of their products. I got 5 new products and decided to share them with you, so you can tell me which ones would you like to see in separate blog post as a review. I’ll share my first impressions on these products, because I try all of them already.

Ja sam i dalje opsjednuta Kozmetikom Afrodita. Meni kada se svidi neki brend ja želim da probam što više njihovih proizvoda i konstantno kupujem nove. Kupila sam 5 novih proizvoda i odlučila da podijelim moje mišljenje o njima. Recite mi da li biste voljeli čitati o nekom od ovih proizvoda zasebno u recenziji nakon što ih dobro istestiram. Danas ću sa vama podijeliti moje mišljenje o njima nakon što sam ih probala jednom do dva puta.

MA3 GENIX Rejuvenating concentrate – Rich oil complex (3in1)
This was quite expensive I have to be honest. But I think it’s time for me to slowly start to invest more in my skin care and let’s be honest I’m not getting any younger. This is supposed to be rich serum which adds hydration, reduces wrinkles and recover skin. Packing is on point, love how it looks. I used this serum two times and I really like it so far. It is light on skin, but it gives intense hydration and makes skin super soft.

Ovaj serum je dosta skup, moram priznati. Ali vrijeme je da krenem investirati u njegu kože, jer ne postajem mlađa i već primjećujem sitne bore na licu. Ovo je serum koji daje hidrataciju koži, pomaže u popunjavanju bora i pomaže u izgledu kože. Pakiranje je vrlo lijepo, vidi se da se radi o skupom proizvodu. Koristila sam ovaj serum dva puta i moram priznati da mi se mnogo sviđa. Vrlo je lagan na koži, daje intenzivnu hidrataciju i čini kožu vrlo mekanom.


Clean Phase Ultra Moisturizing Tonic
I don’t usually use toner in my skin care routine, but I want to add it as a step in my skin care routine. I decided to try this one as it is alcohol free and has a neutral pH. I used this one few times already and I like it. It really helps to calm skin after cleansing and it removes excess makeup if there is any. I have to say I’m really into toning skin right now, I think it makes a lot of difference to the way skin looks.

Inače ne koristim tonik u rutini njege kože, ali željela sam da vidim da li pravi razliku. Odlučila sam probati ovaj tonik jer ne sadrži alkohol i ima neutralan pH. Koristila sam ga već nekoliko puta i mnogo mi se sviđa. Pomaže u smirivanju kože nakon što očistite kožu i uklanja višak šminke ako je nešto ostalo. Mislim da je ovaj korak u njezi kože vrlo važan, jer pravi veliku razliku u izgledu kože.

Why SOS Calming mask with niacinamide and lavender essential oil
I tried few Afrodita face masks before and I liked all of them. This one is repurchase, I already used one of these up. This is probably one of my favorite masks from drugstore, it’s so amazing. If you are having a break out or your skin is extremely sensitive this mask will calm skin down instantly and add hydration. I will buy this one again after I use this one up, because this mask is truly incredible.

Probala sam nekoliko Afrodita maski za lice i sve su bile izuzetno dobro. Ovu sam jednu već potrošila i odlučila sam kupiti novo pakiranje, jer me ova maska oduševila. Ako imate vrlo osjetljivu kožu i imate osip od akni možda ova maska je idealna da smiri kožu i doda dozu hidratacije. Definitivno ću ponovo kupiti ovu masku, jer mi se mnogo sviđa.


Hair Serum 10in1 Protection extra care
I’m always looking for good hair oil. It is such a huge part of my hair care routine, so I decided to give this one a go. I used it twice and you just need a tiny bit because it can make hair oily. I use one pump for the ends of my hair and rest I massage all over my hair. It makes hair really soft and smooth.

Ja uvijek imam neko ulje ili serum za njegu kose. To je vrlo važan dio moje rutine njege kose, zato sam odlučila probati ovaj serum. Koristila sam ga dva puta i vrlo malo je dovoljno za čitavu dužinu kose, jer kada se koristi više može učiniti kosu masnom. Meni je jedna pumpica dovoljna za čitavu dužinu kose i ne učini je masnom nego vrlo mekom i glatkom.

Cotton & silk hand and nail care – Smoothness
I mean we all need good hand cream to have when our hands need extra love. My hands get dry very easily so for me a good hand cream is a must. This one smells really nice, it makes my hands soft and moisturized. So far I’m obsessed with this cream and I think I’ll try more of these hand creams.

Svi trebamo dobru kremu za ruke, jer ruke su stalno u dodiru sa vodom i mogu postati suhe vrlo brzo. Moje ruke su inače vrlo suhe tako da je za mene krema za ruke obavezna. Ova krema miriše vrlo fino, vrlo je lagana, čini ruke vrlo mekim i nahranjenim. Da budem iskrena ova krema mi se mnogo sviđa i želim probati još neke.



That’s all from me today. I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know did you try any of these products? Let me know if you want to read separate review on any of these products? Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! xx

To je sve od mene za danas. Nadam se da vam se svidjeo ovaj post. Recite mi da li ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda? Da li biste željeli čitati recenziju za neki od ovih proizvoda? Hvala vam na čitanju. Želim vam lijep dan! xx

12 thoughts on “New Afrodita Cosmetics goodies – HAUL

  1. Great review!! I should definitely try this brand out, is it cruelty-free? I am looking for a good skincare brand but I don’t know what to buy 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That facial serum sounds amazing! I want to start investing in some products that add moisture back to my skin too… Because it’s oily I feel like I spend all my time using products that are too drying xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. They don’t test on animals and are really big into natural ingredients and keeping their skin care effective and as natural as possible. Been really enjoying them lately, I bought so many products and all of them I like crazily. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I started investing a little bit into my skin care and I definitely see a difference. Sometimes it’s worth to spend some extra money for hydrating products. I also have oily skin and I actually believe that hydration is always a good choice. xx


  5. I’ve never heard of Afrodita Cosmetics but I enjoyed reading this post and being introduced to them! I’d really like to try out the cotton and silk and nail care smoothness to see if it would work for me too because I tend to get very cracked hands as well xx

    Liked by 1 person

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