
Essence Lash ON Lash Off volumizing MAGNETIC accent lashes review/recenzija


I never owned magnetic lashes before. I’ve seen them few times in stores and I never really picked them up, because I rarely wear false lashes, it’s not something I wear on daily occasions so I have to own a lot of them. I do wear them for special occasions, when I want to take time and do my makeup full glam. I like lashes for those occasions I think they make a huge difference to the way your makeup looks. But what intrigued me about these is that they look really small and natural if I can say so. These would be perfect for daily wear, because sometimes mascara can be pain in the ass if I’m being completely honest.

Ja prije nisam imala trepavice sa magnetom. Vidjela sam ih u nekoliko prodavnica prije, ali ih nikada nisam kupila za sebe, jer iskreno ja rijetko nosim trepavice. Ja se odlučim za trepavice samo kada imam neku posebnu priliku i želim više vremena posvetiti makeup-u i želim da izgleda vrlo profesionalno i glam. Trepavice sa magnetom koje sam vidjela su bile vrlo velike i pune vlakana, što znači da su onako za glam prilike, a nisam htjela trošiti novac za nešto što nisam sigurna da ću puno nositi. Ali ove Essence su mi se svidjele zato što su male i nemaju puno vlakana, izgledaju vrlo prirodno i mogle bi se nositi svaki dan. Ja mrzim nanositi maskaru, to mi je najmrži dio makeup-a, ne znam zašto ali to baš ne volim. Tako da su ove trepavice idealne za ljude koji ne vole maskaru, a žele da imaju duge trepavice.


Packing is super cute and simple. I really like it. You have instructions on packing and everything you need to know about these lashes. I’m going to be honest I never really knew how these lashes work and how you put them on, but label on packing made it super easy and quick to understand. They say that these are reusable and you don’t need a glue, which is a true. I wore these few times already and they still look perfect. They have few different styles of these lashes, I saw in store some really interesting ones. Mine are volumizing pair in 01 – turn up the volume!

Pakiranje je vrlo jednostavno i praktično, meni se baš sviđa. Na pakiranju vam piše dosta informacija o ovim trepavicama, te imate ilustrovan prikaz kako se nanose i kako se rukuje s njima. Ja nikada prije nisam imala priliku rukovati trepavicama sa magnetom, ali sam vrlo brzo savladala tehniku stavljanja. Stvarno su vrlo jednostavne, treba vam manje vremena nego kada stavljate regularne umjetne trepavice. Essence tvrdi da ove trepavice možete koristiti više puta i da vam ne treba ljepilo, definitivno se slažem sa tom tvrdnjom. Ja sam ih nosila već nekoliko puta, a i dalje izgledaju kao nove. Imaju u ponudi nekoliko različitih stilova ovih trepavica, tako da sigurno možete naći nešto za sebe. Moje su one koje daju volumen i stil se zove 01 – turn up the volume!


What I mostly like about these lashes is that they look really natural. As you can see on photos they are really small and not super full in fibers. I’m usually a fan of really natural glowy makeup so I don’t go for full on lashes. Also fun fact is that I hate applying mascara, it’s my least favorite part of makeup. So having product like this is just perfect. I suppose you can apply this lashes after you put on mascara, but I personally like to put them on bare lashes. I feel like these look natural enough that people can think that you naturally have awesome lashes or at least lash extentions. These do stay in place very well, I didn’t have problem of them sliding off or moving by themselves. You might need to adjust them a little bit during day, but it’s really easy to do that. They are super comfortable, you almost don’t feel them at all. I received many compliments while wearing these, so they definitely look great. They definitely take some time to get used to applying them. It can be a bit stressful to apply them with fingers as you don’t really know how magnet will stick. But I got magnet eye lash applicator and to me it’s easy to apply them now. I got applicator from Essence also, it wasn’t expensive at all. I think it was about 4 euros, which is definitely not a lot as you’ll have this for years. You can also use it to apply normal lashes.

Ono što mi se najviše sviđa kod ovih trepavica je što izgledaju prirodno. Nisu previše guste niti velike tako da se lako može primjetiti da neko nosi umjetne trepavice. Ove vrlo teško možete primjetiti na trepavicama, izgledaju vrlo lijepo i daju samo efekat volumena. Ja ih inače nosim na čistim trepavicama, znači ne nanosim maskaru prije. Definitivno ih možete koristiti i sa maskarom, ali meni iskreno ljepše izgledaju na čistim trepavicama jer bukvalno izgleda kao da vi imate super guste trepavice ili neke prirodnije ekstenzije na trepavicama. Ostaju na mjestu prilično dobro, nisam imala problema da mi spadnu sa trepavica ili da se pomjere. U toku dana ih možda trebate malo popravljati, ali to su vrlo male korekcije. Vrlo su lagane na trepavicama, bukvalno ih ne osjetite. Kada sam nosile ove trepavice nekoliko puta dobila sam puno komplimenata, što znači da se i drugima sviđaju. Treba vam malo vremena da se naviknete kako da stavljate ove trepavice. Ja sam nabavila aplikator za nanošenje magnetnih trepavica, što čini aplikaciju baš laganom. Aplikator je također os Essence-a, koštao je oko 8 KM, što nije puno jer ćete ga imati godinama. Također ga možete koristiti za nanošenje običnih trepavica, tako daje baš koristan.



I would recommend these if you are not usually a false lash wearer. They do add a lot of volume to my natural lashes and I love how them look. Also you can reuse these so many times so they are definitely worth the money. That’s all from me today. I hope you enjoyed this review. Did you try these maybe? Did you ever seen magnetic lashes before? Do you usually wear false lashes? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

Ja bih vam preporučila ove trepavice ako inače ne volite nositi vještačke trepavice, ili ako su vam one prilično neugodne i teške na očima. Meni su ove super, jer se lagano stavljaju, izgledaju vrlo prirodno na očima, a daju vrlo lijep volumen za svakodnevno nošenje. Ono što je super stvar sa ovim trepavicama je da ih možete koristiti više puta, ne morate ih čistiti od ljepila i lako ih skidate i ponovo stavljate na oči. To je sve od mene za danas. Nadam se da vam se svidjela ova recenzija. Recite mi da li ste možda već probali ove trepavice? Da li ste imali priliku koristiti magnetne trepavice prije? Da li inače koristite umjetne trepavice? Hvala vam na čitanju. Želim vam lijep dan! xx

8 thoughts on “Essence Lash ON Lash Off volumizing MAGNETIC accent lashes review/recenzija

  1. Great review!! I am definitely going to try them out, they are cheap and they seem to work amazing so that’s a win for me :p I find your reviews to be so useful!!

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