
Essence Wanna BEE my Honey limited edition review/recenzija

I know that Essence usually makes amazing limited edition collections, but this one is just perfect. I love the idea, it has a message and it is obviously beautifully designed. Everyone hopefully knows how important bees are and how important it is to protect and value them. I’m so glad Essence decided to do this collection to give more awareness to this big issue. Collection is sustainable with packing, minimal and it gives back to charity which is just great. I picked up two products from this collection, because I’m trying to buy only stuff that I know I’ll use up or use a lot. I wanted to pick up eye shadow palette to review it, but honestly I don’t think I would use it enough and that isn’t sustainable. I picked up glowing primer and makeup removing pads so those are the ones that I’ll review today. First I’ll tell you what you can find in this collection.

Znam da Essence inače ima uvijek zanimljive i lijepe limitirane kolekcije, ali ova im je perfektna, idealna i baš mi je drago da su je napravili. Sviđa mi se ideja ove kolekcije, poruka koju nosi i divan dizajn koji je fokusiran na pakiranja koja su biorazgradiva. Nadam se da svi znaju koliko su pčele važne i koliko je važno da se zaštite, jer ako pčele izumru, neće biti ni nas. Baš mi je drago da je Essence odlučio napraviti ovu kolekciju da naglasi ovaj problem i da više informacija o njemu. Kolekcija je minimalna, pakiranja su biorazgradiva, te daje u dobrotvorne svrhe što je super. Ja sam kupila samo dva proizvoda iz ove divne kolekcije, jer pokušavam da kupujem samo stvari koje ću sigurno puno koristiti ili potpuno potrošiti. Željela sam kupiti paletu sjena za oči, ali nijanse nisu nešto što bih ja puno koristila, tako da mi je bilo bezveze da mi samo stoji u kolekciji zbog jedne recenzije. Iz ove kolekcije sam kupila prajmer i spužvice za skidanje šminke, tako da su to proizvodi koje ću danas recenzirati. Prvo ću Vam reći koje proivode možete naći u ovoj kolekciji.

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As I said there is eye shadow palette that contains two highlighters and 6 eye shadows that are yellow and gold toned. There are two beautifully designed brushes, one face brush and one eye brush. You can also find all over balm, which is I guess balm for dry patches or just emergency product to have in bag. There is also fixing white powder, I think it has the same formula as essence fixing powder that I already have. There is also one color changing lipstick that is gold in color with a lot of shimmer. I’ll tell you a little bit more about glowing primer and makeup removing pads, so let’s start with this review.

Kao što sam već rekla u kolekciji dolazi paleta sjenila, koja sadrži i dva hajlajtera. U paleti dolaze dva hajlajtera i 6 sjenila, koja su zlatnih i žutih nijansi. U kolekciji dolaze i dvije divno dizajnirane četkice, jedna za lice i jedna za oči. Također možete kupiti i balzam za višestruku upotrebu, nešto kao balzam za hidrataciju suhih dijelova kože. U kolekciji dolazi i puder za fiksiranje, koji je vjerovatno iste formulacije kao Essence popularni puder za fiksiranje. Također možete kupiti zlatni ruž sa mnogo šljokica, koji mijenja boju na usnama u rozu. Ja ću Vam reći nešto više o prajmeru i spužvicama za skidanje šminke.

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Essence Wanna BEE my Honey luminizing primer
This primer looks beautiful. Bottle is super cute and I’ll definitely use it for something else when I use up this primer. Primer has golden tint and a lot of golden shimmer and golden particles. In packing you get 30 ml of product or 1.01 fl. oz. Primer has quite a strong scent I have to admit, you definitely feel it when you apply it and it takes few minutes for it to disappear. Scent is not bad, I just wish it’s a bit softer. Primer is gelly and it feels cooling when you apply it on skin. When you first apply this primer it leaves sticky finish, so makeup sticks well to it. It definitely feels nicely hydrating and makes skin look nicely soft. Primer is really easy to blend into skin, it takes about 30 seconds to dry on your skin and you can apply makeup right away. I would say that this is really nice primer, I like how it feels on skin. It makes my skin feel really nice, hydrated and smooth all day long. If you get a chance to pick this one up, definitely do, it’s really nice product.

Ovaj prajemer izgleda predivno. Pakiranje je baš lijepo, radi se o staklenoj bočici koja izgleda vrlo fino i definitivno ću je koristiti za nešto drugo kad potrošim ovaj prajmer. Prajmer ima blagu zlatnu boju i mnogo zlatnih šljokica i kao zlatnih „listića“. U pakiranju dobijete 30 ml proizvoda. Ovaj prajmer ima prilično jak miris, miriše vrlo slatkasto, baš kao med. Miris nije ružan ili neugodan, ali bih voljela da je malo blaži. Ovaj miris baš možete osjetiti kada nanosite prajmer i zadrži se na koži nekoliko minuta. Ovaj prajmer ima strukturu gela, daje hladeći osjećaj na koži i vrlo je ugodan. Kada nanesete ovaj prajmer na kožu, ostavlja blagi ljepljivi osjećaj, tako da se šminka lijepo „zalijepi“ za njega. Prajmer daje osjećaj hidratacije na koži i vrlo je ugodan. Čini moju kožu vrlo sjajnom, izgleda zdravo i definitivno ga možete nositi samog na koži, ako volite zdravi sjaj na koži. Ako imate priliku da kupite ovaj prajmer, definitivno Vam preporučujem, jer se stvarno radi o divnom proizvodu.

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Essence Wanna BEE my Honey makeup remover pads
I knew I wanted to try these, because I wanted to buy product like this for really long time. These are really affordable and you get three in pack which is great. Obviously these are eco friendly, you just wash them and use them again to take of your makeup. You only need to damp them with water and they remove makeup really nicely. They are super soft and feel super gentle on skin when you are removing makeup. They look pretty thick when you first look at them, but they definitely soften when you dampen them. You need to dampen them with warm water and then use them on face to remove makeup. It works really well, removes makeup easily, it’s super soft and enjoyable. It almost feels like you are massaging your skin. It removes all the makeup nicely, even mascara. Now I’m not sure is it good for waterproof mascara, because I don’t use it, so I can’t tell you that, but for regular mascara it’s good. I would definitely recommend this product, I think it’s great and this is definitely new way for me to remove my makeup.

Znala sam da ću kupiti ovaj proizvod kada sam ga vidjela u PR letku za ovu novu kolekciju. Ovaj proizvod je baš jeftin, u odnosu na neke druge koji se nalaze u ponudi. Puno brendova prodaje ovakav tip proizvoda, ali ovo je definitivno najjeftiniji koji sam ja našla. Ovo je idealan proizvod za skidanje šminke, ako želite da čuvate prirodu, jer Vam ne treba dodatni proizvod za skidanje šminke, nego samo voda i ovi mekani jastučići. Vrlo su mekani, izgledaju prilično debeli, ali kada ih skvasite omekšaju dodatno i postanu još mekaniji. Izgledaju prilično debeli, ali brzo se naviknete na njihovo korištenje. Trebate da skvasite ove jastučiće sa toplom vodom i onda ih koristite da uklonite makeup. Za mene funkcionišu baš dobro. Uklanjaju svu šminku koju nosim svakodnevno, čak i maskaru. Nisam sigurna da li će dobro skidati i vodootpornu maskaru, jer je ja ne koristim, ali mislim da bi mogao raditi i za nju. Na pakiranju piše da je namjenjen i za vodootpornu šminku, pa sad moguće je da će i to dobro skidati. Ovo je stvarno super način za skidanje šminke, ne morate imati dodatne proizvode za uklanjanje šminke, samo Vam trebaju ovi jastučići i gel za čišćenje lica. Ja bih Vam preporučila ovaj proizvod, meni super odgovara i baš mi je drago da sam ga kupila.


I honestly love this collection. I think it’s beautiful, lovely products and over all lovely message from Essence. That’s all from me today. I hope you enjoyed this review. Let me know did you see this collection online or in stores? What do you think about it? Do you like idea of this collection and products? Are you picking up any products from this collection? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

Ja iskreno volim ovu koleciju. Mislim da izgleda predivno, divni proizvodi i čitava poruka iza ove kolekcije je divna. To je sve od mene za danas. Nadam se da Vam se svidjela ova recenzija. Recite mi da li ste već vidjeli ovu kolekciju? Kako Vam se sviđa ova kolekcija, hoćete li kupiti neki od ovih proizvoda možda? Hvala Vam na čitanju. Želim Vam lijep dan! xx

10 thoughts on “Essence Wanna BEE my Honey limited edition review/recenzija

  1. The remover pads sound amazing! I don’t think this collection is here yet but they just put the last one on sale so hopefully, it will arrive soon

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Yes, I really like them, so glad I managed to pick them up. It’s always annoying tracking these limited editions down, but they are always so pretty, so totally worth the effort. I hope it will arrive soon. xx

    Liked by 2 people

  3. The whole collection is so cute and I’m definitely interested in the glowy primer now, thanks to your review! Also love that essence is starting to jump on the wagon of sustainability! xx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Really happy with the primer definitely. Glad that I managed to get it for myself. They are one of the brands that is constantly improving, that’s why I love them so much. Thank you for reading. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I saw this collection online and thought it was SO cute! I really want the eyeshadow palette and the primer sounds amazing! I’m hoping we get it in SA soon. I have a makeup remover pad like this but it’s a different brand. It works so so well! I want to buy another set. It’s eco friendly too so no more cotton rounds.

    PMD Clean Facial Cleansing Device | Review

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Yes, this collection is so on point. I love the idea and they way they did this collection. I saw only positive reviews for eye shadow palette, so it’s great one to get. Makeup remover pads work so well also, I’m so happy I have them, so it’s easier way to remove makeup. I hope you’ll be able to get your hands on this collection. xx

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