
GOSH Growth serum review/recenzija

I’m not going to lie, lash growth serums have always intrigued me. I don’t know why, but this sort of product just makes you curious, you want to test it out and see how well it works or is it working at all. When I saw this GOSH growth serum I was really excited to test it out and I immediately ordered it. Gosh claims that this is a secret of longer lashes and that you get visible results after two weeks of use. Well, I gave this product a test and today I’ll give you full review of GOSH Growth serum.

Neću Vam lagati, serumi za trepavice su me uvijek interesovali. Nisam sigurna zašto, ali ovakvi proizvodi uvijek pobude radoznalost u meni i želim ih testirati da se uvjerim da li rade ili ne. Kada sam vidjela ova Gosh serum odmah sam ga odlučila naručiti i testirati. Znala sam da će mi ovo biti interesantan proizvod za testiranje i recenziranje. Gosh tvrdi da je ovaj serum tajna dugih trepavica. Trebali bi vidjeti rezultate nakon dvije sedmice svakodnevnog korištenja. Pa, ja sam testirala ovaj proizvod i danas ću Vam reći šta mislim o Gosh serumu za trepavice.

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Packing is really simple, nothing much to say about it. Product doesn’t have any smell, it’s thick gelly texture that is easy to apply to root of lashes. The brush is really thin and it holds product well. It is very easy and simple to use. Gel is transparent and it dries quickly on lashes. You get 6 ml of product that can last about 4 weeks of use. GROWTH SERUM contains an active ingredient, proven to have a visible effect on the length and thickness of eyelashes with daily use. If you want stronger, longer, more luscious lashes, then apply GROWTH SERUM every day. KEY POINTS: visibly longer & thicker lashes with daily use; increases number of hairs; apply along the roots; contains SymPeptide® Xlash for length. This is what Gosh had to say about this product, so I tested it out so I can share my opinion with you all.

Pakiranje je vrlo jednostavno i ne može se mnogo reći o njemu. Proizvod nema nikakav miris, radi se o gustom gelu koji se vrlo lako nanosi na korijen trepavica. Četkica odnosno aplikator kojim nanosite proizvod drži finu količinu proizvoda i vrlo je tanka, tako da se proizvod stvarno lako nanosi. Gel je proziran i vrlo brzo se osuši. Dobijete 6 ml proizvoda, što može trajati za otprilike 4 sedmice svakodnevnog korištenja, možda i 5 sedmica, zavisno koliko nanosite proizvoda za jednu aplikaciju. Ovaj serum za rast trepavica sadrži aktivni sastojak, koji dokazano djeluje na dužinu i gustoću trepavica sa svakodnevnim korištenjem. Ako želite duže, gušće i jače trepavice onda nanosite ovaj proizvod svaku noć prije spavanja. Osnovne informacije o Gosh serumu za trepavice su: vidljivo duže i gušće trepavice; povećan broj trepavica; proizvod se nanosi na liniju trepavica (odnosno na korijen); sadrži SymPeptide® Xlash za dužinu trepavica. Ovo informacije sam našla na Gosh web stranici. Testirala sam ovaj proizvod i sve ove informacije i sada ću Vam reći šta sam uočila.

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First time I tested this Growth serum it was really busy time in my life to be honest. I did apply serum every night for two weeks, but honestly I completely forgot to track the progress. I had a lot of exams and projects for University, so because that one time I completely failed to test this product out properly, I did new test that happened few months after first test. I tracked my progress through two weeks and I have to admit that this product works. I’m usually not the one to believe these sorts of products, but this one surprised me. I do feel like my lashes are longer now, but not extremely long. I feel like serum helped with length of my lashes, but the biggest change is in thickness. My lashes are really thick right now. I feel like there are some new lashes growing, when I look at the root of my lashes there are some new tiny lashes that are growing. So definitely this product works, I feel like my lashes never looked better, they were never this long and voluminous. I’m so happy that I started using this product, it really impressed me.

Prvi put kada sam testirala ovaj serum bila sam prilično zauzeta sa životom, tako da nisam najbolje pratila promjenu na mojim trepavicama. Tada mi je život bio stvarno lud, mnogo ispita, projekata na fakultetu, tako da iako sam koristila ovaj serum dvije sedmice, uopšte nisam obratila pažnju na moje trepavice. Pošto sam prvi put bila vrlo loša u testiranju, odlučila sam još jednom testirati ovaj serum i bolje obratiti pažnju na promjenu i napredak. Pratila sam promjenu u mojim trepavicama tokom dvije sedmice svakodnevnog korištenja i mogu reći da ovaj proizvod stvarno radi. Ja inače ne vjerujem u ovakve proizvode, ali mi je ovaj proizvod stvarno promjenio izgled trepavica. Moje trepavice su duže i mnogo gušće nego prije korištenja ovog proizvoda. Mislim da je najveća promjena u gustini trepavica, jer su one mnogo gušće nego prije. Kada pregledam fino trepavice vidim da su krenule rasti i neke nove uz liniju trepavica, imam dosta vrlo kratkih malih trepavica koje su tek krenule rasti. Ovaj proizvod definitivno radi, mislim da moje trepavice izgledaju mnogo bolje nego prije, nikada prije nisu bile ovako duge i guste. Veoma sam sretna da sam odlučila probati ovaj proizvod, stvarno me impresionirao.

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I feel like everything that Gosh promised with this product is true. My lashes are definitely visibly longer and thicker, I have new lashes growing which is just great. I would definitely recommend this product if you are looking for product that can help your lashes grow. You have to use it every night and be consistent with use to see results, but it is so worth the use. That’s all from me today. I hope you enjoyed this review. Let me know did you try GOSH Growth serum maybe? Did you ever use lash serum? Do you use some Gosh products? Do you have some recommendations maybe? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

Mislim da sve što je Gosh obečao sa ovim proizvodom je ispunjeno. Moje trepavice su definitivno duže nego prije i imaju veći volumen, nove trepavice također rastu što je super. Ja bih definitivno preporučila ovaj proizvod ako tražite neki proizvod koji će pomoći vašim trepavicama. Naravno da bi vidjeli rezultate trebate koristiti ovaj proizvod svaku noć prije kreveta, da bi primjetili razliku. To nije toliko teško, jer se vrlo brzo naviknete na to. To je sve od mene za danas. Nadam se da Vam se svidjela ova recenzija. Recite mi da li ste možda probali Gosh serum za trepavice? Da li ste prije koristili serume za trepavice? Da li možda koristite Gosh proizvode? Da li imate neke za preporučiti. Hvala Vam na čitanju. Želim Vam lijep dan! xx

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