
Schwarzkopf GLISS KUR Oil nutritive leave in conditioner review/recenzija

I’m a big fan of leave in conditioners. I think they make so much difference to the way your hair looks and feels. They stay longer in hair than regular conditioner, they can really smooth out hair better than usual conditioner that you use when you wash your hair. My favorite thing about leave in conditioners in spray is that you can just spray them in your hair whenever you feel like it. Whenever I feel like my hair is dry or it lacks glow I just spray a little bit of leave in conditioner and it makes so much difference to the way my hair looks. Today I’ll give you full review about Schwarzkopf leave in conditioner from Oil nutritive line.

Ja sam veliki fan ovakvih tretmana za kosu. Mislim da prave veliku razliku u izgledu kose. Ostaju u kosi puno duže nego regularni regeneratori koje koristite prilikom pranja kose. Moja omiljena činjenica o tretmanima za kosu bez ispiranja je da ih možete koristiti kada god želite. Osjećate da Vam je kosa suha i da joj nedostaje njege, samo nasprejate proizvod i on Vam riješi te probleme. Ja ih koristim nekoliko puta sedmično, ne samo kada perem kosu. Posebno ih volim koristiti kada pravim lokne bez toplote, jer mi tako lijepo omekšaju kosu. Danas ću recenzirati Schwarzkopf regenerator u spreju iz njihove „Oil nutritive“ linije proizvoda.

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Packing is very simple and easy to use. I like how it looks, I’m always a fan of black and gold combination. This leave in conditioner is supposed to repair your hair, especially if you have long and thick hair. It is formulated with keratin and different oils that are supposed to nourish hair deeply, make it soft and smooth and repair split hair. This product is supposed to give natural, healthy glow to hair and make hair softer to touch. It is also supposed to reduce split ends to 95%. You get 200 ml of product in this packing.

Pakiranje je vrlo jednostavno i lagano za korištenje. Sviđa mi se kako izgleda, kombinacija zlatne i crne boje je uvijek pun pogodak po meni. Ovaj tretman za kosu treba da ojača kosu, posebno ako imate dugu i gustu kosu. Formulisan je sa keratinom i različitim uljima koji trebaju dubinski nahraniti kosu, činiti je mekom i ojačati vrhove kose. Ovaj proizvod treba da daje zdrav prirodni sjaj kosi i treba da čini kosu mekom. Također treba da smanji pojavu ispucalih vrhova za 95%. Dobijete 200 ml proizvoda u ovom pakiranju.

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This product has two different phases that you are supposed to mix before you spray the product on hair. It smells really lovely, it’s very rich scent. It kinda reminds me of argan oil scent. Sprayer is nice also, it nicely sprays fine mist of product. I would definitely agree with statement that this product makes hair soft and smooth. I’m always amazed how nicely it smooths out the hair and makes it so silky soft. I would agree with fact that it is hydrating as well. Whenever I feel like my hair is dry, I spray this and after it dries my hair feels so much better. I also have to say that this makes hair so easy to brush out. I have a lot of problems with my hair getting tangly, but this makes my hair easier to brush out. You can definitely tell that this product has some sort of oil in it, because how lovely it smooths out hair. I’m not sure about split ends, because I don’t have them. I always use protective oil or serum to take care of ends, so I never really have split ends.

Ovaj proizvod ima dvije faze koje trebate izmješati prije nego nanesete proizvod na kosu. Proizvod miriše vrlo fino, radi se o bogatom mirisu. Pomalo me podsjeća na miris ulja od argana. Radi se o finom spreju, koji lijepo rasprši proizvod na kosu. Definitivno bih se složila sa činjenicom da ovaj proizvod čini kosu glatkom i mekom. Uvijek se iznenadim kako mi lijepo zagladi kosu i kako je mekana nakon što se proizvod osuši na kosi. Rekla bih da ovaj proizvod lijepo hidrira kosu. Kada god imam osjećajda mi je kosa suha ili joj treba dodatna hidratacija, nasprejam malo ovog proizvoda i stvarno mi lijepo nahrani kosu. Također ovaj proizvod tako fino omekša kosu pa ju je mnogo lakše počešljati. Ja inače imam dosta gustu i suhu kosu koja se teško češlja, ali ovaj proizvod stvarno olakšava češljanje. Definitivno možete osjetiti da ovaj proizvod ima ulje u sebi, upravo zbog činjenice kako lijepo zagladi kosu. Nisam sigurna da li popravlja ispucale krajeve, jer ih ja nemam. Uvijek koristim neku vrstu ulja ili seruma za suhe krajeve, pa tako nemam problem sa pucanjem kose.

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Honestly I would recommend this product. I think it is so good. I’m sure I will repurchase it when I use this one up. To me this is a great product and definitely something you need if you like to take care of your hair or if you have issues with brushing hair. That’s all from me today. I hope you enjoyed this review. Let me know did you try this product maybe? What is your favorite leave in conditioner for hair? Do you usually use leave in conditioners? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

Iskreno ja bih Vam preporučila ovaj proizvod. Mislim da se radi o baš kvalitetnom i dobrom proizvodu. Sigurna sam da ću ponovo kupiti ovaj tretman kada potrošim ovaj koji trenutno koristim. Prema meni ovo je stvarno dobar proizvod i preporučila bih ga ako volite njegovati svoju kosu ili imate problema sa čupanjem kose prilikom češljanja. To je sve od mene za danas. Nadam se da Vam se svidjela ova recenzija. Recite mi da li ste možda probali ovaj proizvod? Koji Vam je omiljeni tretman za kosu? Da li inače koristite ovaj tip proizvoda? Hvala Vam na čitanju. Želim Vam lijep dan! xx

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