Make up

Makeup trends this season – Makeup trendovi ove sezone


When I was at Catrice event, we had presentation on latest trends in makeup world so I decided to write a post to share it with you all in case you didn’t know for some of these. I don’t think that your makeup routine has to be trendy, you just do what works for you. But I like to know what is going to be trendy because you’ll be seeing that kind of products a lot, so it’s important to know what you want to get. So let’s get on with it!

Kada sam prisustvovala Catrice eventu imali smo prezentaciju o trendovima koji će obilježiti ovu sezonu pa sam odlučila da sa vama podijelim te trendove u slučaju da već niste znali za njih. Mislim da niko ne treba slijepo pratiti trendove, jer svi imamo svoj način šminkanja i znamo šta nam najbolje odgovara. Ali potrebno je znati šta će biti trendi jer ćete na taj način znati kakve proizvode da očekujete u ponudi svih makeup brendova.

1. Bronzed and glowy skin/Osunčana i sjajna koža
This is trendy last couple of seasons. Everyone likes to glow right? This is my daily routine when it comes to makeup, I can’t imagine my look without bronzer and highlighter so this trend works for me. To be honest even when mat skin gets trendy I would still be rocking dewy skin!

Ovo i nije novi trend, osunčana koža koja ima puno sjaja je trendi već nekoliko posljednjih sezona. Mislim da svi vole sjaj na koži, zar ne? Moja dnevna rutina šminkanja se zasniva na korištenju bronzera i hajlajtera sve u svrhu postizanja osunčane kože koja sija tako da ovaj trend potpuno odgovara mojoj rutini. Da budem iskrena i kada mat koža bude trendy ja ću i dalje imati istu rutinu kada se radi o šminkanju.

2. Metallics/Metalik boje
Metallic colors are popular when it comes to makeup and nails. Wearing metallic nail polish should be something to try out, I actually never thought I would like metallic look on nails. But I actually love it, I wore rose gold nail polish last couple of weeks and I’m obsessed. Metallic eye shadows are something you definitely need to add to your collection and metallic lips are trending. Don’t really feel whole metallic lip trend, but we’ll see I guess.

Metalik boje su apsolutni hit kada se radi o makeup-u i bojama za nokte. Svako ove godine mora imati metalik lak za nokte jer su izuzetno popularni. Ja sam mislila da to nije trend za mene, jer nikada nisam voljela kako metalik boje izgledaju na noktima. Ali sam nabavila rose gold lak za nokte i bukvalno sam ga nosila nekoliko sedmica bez prestanka i apsolutno sam opsjednuta. Također metalik sjene za oči će biti izuzetno popularne, te metalik boje na usnama, posebno kada se radi o metalik tečnim ruževima.


3. Color correcting/Kolor korekcija
Color correcting is still popular. I feel like last 3 seasons everyone is talking about color correcting and products for it. I’m not really into color correcting, but I recently got some products for color correcting so I’ll see how I get on with it.

Kolor korekcija je još uvijek trendi. Mislim da su prethodne 3 sezone sve bile u znaku kolor korekcije tako da ni ova nije drugačija. Ja inače slabo koristim proizvode za kolor korekciju, ali sam dobila nekoliko proizvoda koji su namjenjeni za kolor korekciju tako da ću vidjeti kako se slažem sa ovim trendom.

4. Clean sharp winged eye liner/Oštar eye liner
I don’t really wear eye liner unless I wear false lashes. Sometimes for night out I do winged eye liner, but it’s really rare. I just feel like my eyes look better without liner, but still I feel like it is such an essential for some people. Maybe I’ll get onto this trend, but I doubt it.

Ja inače ne nosim eye liner skoro nikada, osim kada nosim umjetne trepavice. Nekada za nočni izlazak uradim liner, ali iskreno mislim da mi toliko i ne pristaje. Mislim da sjena za oči puno bolje dolazi do izražaja bez linera zato ga rijetko i nosim. Ali znam da je liner obavezan za svaki dan za većinu djevojaka, tako da ćete ove sezone imati mnogo izbora kada se radi o kupovini eye linera.


5. Natural and fluffy brows/Prirodne guste obrve
Sharp instagram brows are out finally. I hate those brows, they look so weird, honestly they make me cringe. When it comes to makeup products for brows there is going to be a lot of brow powders and eye brow gels.

Iscrtane stroge instagram obrve su out konačno. Ja iskreno mrzim te obrve, izgledaju mi čudno, ne realno i potpuno ružno. Kada se radi o proizvodima za obrve koji će biti popularni to su puderi za obrve i gelovi u boji.

Previous posts
Makeup 101 – Base
Catrice Deluxe Glow Highlighting palette review/recenzija
The Autumn Tag
Essence Make me brow eye brow gel review/recenzija
Dream Matcha tea review/recenzija
August/September favorites
Bronzed and glowy to the max! – Makeup look/tutorijal
Essence My must haves palette
Catrice Pret a Lumiere eye shadow review/recenzija
Empties – Products I’ve used up #8



That’s everything from me today. I hope you liked this post. Let me know did you know some of these trends? What is your favorite of these trends? What is your usual go to makeup look? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

To je sve od mene za dans. Nadam se da vam se svidjeo ovaj post. Recite mi da li ste znali da su ovo trendovi u makeup svijetu? Koji su vam omiljeni trendovi od ovih? Koji vam je omiljeni makeup look za svaki dan? Hvala na čitanju. Želim vam lijep dan! xx

33 thoughts on “Makeup trends this season – Makeup trendovi ove sezone

  1. The bronzed, dewy skin look is always a great trend, making you appear healthy and well-rested. However I personally prefer to rock it more in the summer when my skin is more tanned, in the winter when I’m paler I much prefer matte skin, although I love highlighter year-round. And I am OBSESSED with the metallic trend. I’ve loved metallic nails for yeearrss and metallic eyeshadow is my absolute favorite kind. I’ve noticed the metallic lip trend and I’m intrigued, but I haven’t gotten any metallic lip products *yet*. I was intrigued by the color correcting trend when it first started appearing a couple years ago, and sometimes I use green concealer to cover up really red blemishes and I still love using lavender- or pink-tinted primer because it makes you look so youthful and well-rested but other than that I’ve only dabbled in the trend. I am interested in trying the orange/red under-eye concealer aspect of color correcting but I haven’t yet. And finally, I totally agree that the sharp instagram brows were not the best trend, I’m so glad I gave them up and started going natural/feathered/wild brows a while back. I used to be afraid that they looked too wide or big but now I love the style. The best part is that it’s so easy! A few swipes of some tinted brow gel and you’re done. Great post as usual x

    -Helene |

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Bronzed and glowy skin: check (I often use a bronzer as a blush, and I use a highlighting stick on top of mycheekbones).
    Metallics: check (I just bought a metallic lipstick from Maybelline, still have to review, but I kinda like it!)
    Colour correcting: check (I use the yellow ‘fix it’ stick from Dior to cover my blue/purple undereye bags)
    Winged eyeliner: definitely not for me anymore!! Those wings are just too heavy on 46-year old eyes 🙂 I don’t use a liquid eyeliner, but I use black eyeshadow near my upper eyelashes to define them.
    Natural/fluffy brows: check! Every once in a while, I have my brows threaded. I colour them in quite naturally.

    Great post! Loved reading it (and apparently I’m quite on trend so that’s gooooood for my self-esteem 🙂 !)

    Happy Sunday, Kathleen x

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I actually started color correcting every day and difference is real. It makes base so much better and I use less concealer after. I’m using those peachy shades under eyes and it definitely makes difference. I love metallic nail polishes, I adore rose gold especially. I had one metallic lip paint that looked really pale on me so I gave it to my friend. I’m also really natural with my brows, it legit takes me 30 seconds to do them and I love it. Thank you dear. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Trends this year are better than last year, so that’s really positive. I’m also testing these trends and actually I’m developing new makeup routine. Totally obsessed with color correcting now, it makes so much difference. Thank you. xx


  5. It’s so funny how some of these trends come and go. I’ll never forget watching my mom “color correct” when I was a little girl. She used a green stick from Shesiedo and I remember thinking “where the heck is she going to put that green makeup”?! But somehow it just worked. It’s so cool seeing beauty trend come and go!

    Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Oh yes definitely. We always come back to basics in makeup, contouring was such a huge thing years ago and I feel like now people rarely do it. Color correcting is definitely new to me, but I have to admit that it makes huge difference to the way skin looks after. xx


  7. I have tried most of these trends but my personal favorites would have to bronze and glowy Makeup and sharp eyeliner! I can’t believe I still haven’t tried metallic nails! 😄💕

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love all of these trends! Especially glad that instagram brows are done – I used to do them all the time myself a year or so ago but have since then grown out my natural eyebrows and not only is it one less burden, but natural brows look much better in my opinion:)

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I never liked sharp instagram brows, they always looked weird to me, I don’t know why. I though they were statement and if you are going for natural look, they look kinda crazy. Natural brows are the best, I personally love that look. xx


  10. I always tried to have bronzey skin but I’m so pale that I was afraid I’d make myself look orange lol. I really liked the fluffy brows trend since I already have thicker brows. That trend just means that I don’t have to brush them as much! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I used to be scared of bronzer, but now I actually can’t go out without some bronzer. To be honest I rather look a bit orange than super pale haha, that’s just me. Today there is so many bronzers on market that you can find perfect one. I’m also all about that natural brows, so this trend is totally for me. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hey! Great post. My favorite of it all is the natural, fluffy brows. What a beautiful trend. I do like winged liner to be crips sometimes, but nowadays, I love to smoke out my winged liner. Do you like that look?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Natural brows are the best, really into that trend last 2 years actually hehe. I don’t wear eye liner often I have to admit, I usually wear it only when I wear falsies. I love to smoke it out with black eye shadow if I’m doing super intense smokey eye. xx

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