
Trends that I’m loving lately

I did one post like this quite a while ago and I decided that it’s perfect time to talk about my current favorite fashion trends for spring/summer 2021. I’m not usually person that follows trends and wears all of them, I just kind of pick and choose the ones that I like and try to include them in my wardrobe. I’m a big fan of shopping, but my style is pretty simple, I like combining basic every day pieces with something unusual and catchy. Not the biggest fan of color for daily looks, but this spring I’m including some color to my daily looks.


Color yellow is huge this spring. It’s one of those colors that is perfect from spring/summer outfits because it’s catchy, it makes you feel happy and you can wear it in clothing or interesting accessories. Yellow bags are huge trend this season, I don’t own any so far, but I’m looking for perfect one. I never thought that I would like to own yellow bag, but I feel like it would look so cool with minimal beige or white outfit. I like the look of orange bags and I own one, but yellow is still color that I would love to add to my bags collection. I bought perfect yellow spring time jumper and I’ve been wearing it a lot. It was featured in my last haul blog post, check it out here.


Over sized blazers are such a nice trend for this spring. They definitely are one of my favorite trends for this season. Obviously in spring it’s still a bit cold to go out without jacket, so this trend is perfect for your daily looks. I own few blazers but they are all in my size, not over sized and I’m realizing that I love over size fir more. I recently got beautiful Bonobo jeans blazer that I’m sure I’ll wear so much this spring, I usually like to combine it with leather pants and micro bags. It honestly looks so put together, but it’s such an easy look. I need to get black and beige over sized blazer, so I can wear them much more, so those are definitely items on my wish list. I featured my favorite way to wear over sized blazers in my reel on Instagram.


I always loved buying underwear, it’s something I really enjoy. I own a lot of underwear sets that are mostly lace which I don’t usually wear daily. But this season a lot of brands came out with comfortable underwear that is definitely perfect to lounge in. I recently saw some beautiful pieces in Lindex and I have to admit I want to get some.  Spring time is definitely perfect for lounging in house in style, so cute under wear sets and silk robes are perfect combination. That brings me to next big trend that I like which is silk robes. Check out my favorite lounge outfit, featuring some cute silky pjs on my Instagram photo here.


I’m obsessed with buying silk robes. I have so many currently, but I can’t stop, I just love to wear them. In my last haul post I included two new silk robes, one rose gold and other emerald, they are stunning. But I recently got new robe from Calvin Klein that is made out of modal which is my favorite material for house wear. If you never got anything that is made out of modal you have to, that material is just amazingly comfortable. If you follow me on Instagram (here), you would see some of my robes often, because I do wear them a lot in house which is where most of my content comes out. Also made two reels so far and my new silk robes were included in them.


This is usually a must trend for spring/summer season. Scarfs can make such a difference to simple pony tail. I have so many, but I love to change them according to what I wear. One of my recent obsessions are pure silk scarfs, which is definitely not a cheap obsession. I don’t know why but I love wearing them around neck for subtle accessory. As pure silk scarfs are not cheap, I’m kind of limiting myself to some here and there, but I don’t buy them often. The most recent one is by brand “Michael PARIS” which is just perfect brand if you are looking for interesting prints and amazing quality pure silk scarfs.


This trend is nothing new in fashion world, it’s been going strong for quite a long time. I know that most women love big tote bags, because they want to make sure that they have anything they might need on hand, but I’m personally all for small bags. I love how they make every outfit better, because big bags can just be too much. Recently I got new micro bag to add to my ever growing bag collection. It was featured in one of my haul blog post, check it out here. You definitely need to be interested in this trend, it’s not for everyone, but I really like it. Check out my new bag on my Instagram photo here.

Those are all of my current favorite fashion trends. There is many more out there to choose from. Beauty of fashion is that you can pick what you like and wear that with pride. Let me know what are your favorite fashion trends for spring/summer season? Do you like any of the trends that I featured in this blog post? Let me know how would you describe your style? Are you simple kind of person or fashionista? Thank you for reading. Have a nice day! xx

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