
Byphasse Liquid Keratin Sublim Protect spray for dry hair review/recenzija

Lately I’ve been obsessed with Byphasse brand. It all started when I bought their rose water toner. Literally that is one of the nicest toners I ever had, so I got really interested to try more from the brand. If you read my blog often then you would know that I’m really into hair care.…… Continue reading Byphasse Liquid Keratin Sublim Protect spray for dry hair review/recenzija


Catrice Limited edition Soleil d’été review/recenzija

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to review two products from new limited edition collection by Catrice that is inspired by high fashion trends with bronzy and metallic colors and super popular bronzed makeup looks. Now this collection is absolutely stunning, I think I need to get the liquid bronzer/serum product, it just looks stunning. Also…… Continue reading Catrice Limited edition Soleil d’été review/recenzija