
Byphasse Liquid Keratin Sublim Protect spray for dry hair review/recenzija

Lately I’ve been obsessed with Byphasse brand. It all started when I bought their rose water toner. Literally that is one of the nicest toners I ever had, so I got really interested to try more from the brand. If you read my blog often then you would know that I’m really into hair care.…… Continue reading Byphasse Liquid Keratin Sublim Protect spray for dry hair review/recenzija


Catrice BROW colorist Semi – permanent brow mascara review/recenzija

I can’t do my brows without some sort of brow gel. I think that they make incredible difference, especially for everyone that has long eye brow hair. I don’t really have brow routine to be honest I just use whatever I feel like. Currently I’m just using colored brow gel and that’s it. If I…… Continue reading Catrice BROW colorist Semi – permanent brow mascara review/recenzija


Rimmel Lasting Finish full coverage foundation review/recenzija

I’m definitely super late to try this foundation, but I usually go for Loreal foundations so this is my first ever Rimmel foundation. I know this one is super popular for people that like perfect skin look, that full coverage glam. I’m not used to full coverage foundations, I’m usually really into light coverage, but…… Continue reading Rimmel Lasting Finish full coverage foundation review/recenzija